About Us
Trade Building Supplies Pty Ltd was born out of Darwin’s need for a quality building supply company that focused on those “old school” Australian values & attention to detail that have been lost in this fast paced, hectic lifestyle we have all grown accustomed to
Our Story
Initially established to service a few of Darwin’s more prominent builders and the regional sector, TBS quickly grew from a small backyard operation behind TradeTools Direct on Winnellie road into what can be said is one of the more accomplished building supply companies in northern Australia.
Due to location, size and infrastructure, energies we were initially focused on supporting a few select suppliers namely BGC fibre cement products, Hume doors and our own factory supplied premium ‘kiln dried’ timber decking, skirting and flooring products. The list of suppliers quickly expanded and we are now very proud to be associated with Dindas, Stanley, Aircell insulation, Lockwood locks and Selleys just to name a few.
With the annual growth experienced, a truss plant became the next logical step in the evolution of Trade Building Supplies. The truss plant utilises Hychord engineered timber [H2 treated – water proofed, LSOP treated against termites and a 25 year guarantee] and the use of ‘state of the art’ Pryda machinery, their truss plant has grown from strength to strength in an ever demanding and volatile environment.